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Social Expat is the most popular expatriate platform in Indonesia and hosts the largest expatriate community in Indonesia. With monthly events spanning across Jakarta & Bali, paired with dozens of unique features that make it stand out from the rest, Social Expat’s meteorite rise to the top has seen the way expatriate platforms work in Indonesia. Social Expat’s uniqueness has been because of all the features they incorporated into their website that make it comprehensive beyond that of its predecessors. Unique features include: weekly social and business networking events, sport clubs, news, Indonesia guides, exclusive promotions, games & quizzes, real estate, immigration assistance and Indonesia’s first free job posting area.
Social Expat has weekly community gathering events across Jakarta & Bali and offers between 6 – 10 events every single month!
Popular events include themed events, free flow events, sport clubs, business networking and special sponsored events from their advertisers and partners. They offer collectively more events than any other platform in Indonesia.
Social Expat’s dedicated content team provide localised and national news about what is happening in Indonesia and provide useful guides to living in the country.
The platform hosts exclusive promotions from partners and advertisers, as well as fun games to play focused on Indonesia trivia.
This is the only platform in Indonesia that offers a free job platform for advertisers looking for both foreigners and locals that work in expatriate focused fields.
The Lets Move Group is the official Real Estate partner of the platform and we list our properties here. As the largest singularly owned real estate agency in the country, we can service the platform and provide more property that anyone else.
Social Expat’s Immigration page offers solutions for immigration via their official partner Lets Move Indonesia. The platform is the first in Indonesia to offer dedicated pages to solving Indonesia complicated Immigration policies.
The platforms main focus is “Bringing People Together” which it does by providing immersive networking events. Every event has networking activities and games to maximise interaction and they pair events with fantastic promos and prizes. Every event has professional videographers and photographers that document the event and provide insights into what happens.
The team focus on inclusion and confidence building, trying to ensure all participants, no matter where they are from join in and expand their network.
Since their first event in 2022, they have hosted hundreds of events and have been the market leader in expatriate platforms ever since.
Memulai tahun 2025 dengan strategi yang matang pastinya bakal membuka lebih banyak peluang untuk mencapai resolusi yang kamu inginkan. Buat kamu yang punya rencana buat berinvestasi di bidang real estate di Indonesia, ada baiknya mulai memahami tren-tren dan perubahan yang bakal mempengaruhi pasar properti di tahun ini. Bersama Lets Move Group, yuk kita bahas sentimen […]
Pemerintah Republik Indonesia berencana menghapus pajak properti dan memperpanjang jangka waktu KPR sebagai stimulus pasar perumahan sebagai salah satu langkah awal mencapai target untuk membangun tiga juta rumah baru setiap tahunnya. Hasil survei terbaru Bank Indonesia menunjukkan adanya kenaikan terbatas pada harga properti residensial di pasar primer pada Triwulan II 2024. Berdasarkan Survei Harga Properti […]
Sobat Lets Move Group, sudahkah kalian tahu kalau tarif Pajak Pertambahan Nilai (PPN) akan naik? Pajak Pertambahan Nilai di Indonesia diproyeksikan mengalami kenaikan menjadi 12% mulai 1 Januari 2025. Tapi, apakah ada dampaknya bagi sektor properti di Indonesia? Jika kalian berencana bangun rumah sendiri tahun depan, kalian wajib mengikuti pembahasan kali ini. Yuk, simak apa […]
Since the beginning of this year, the real estate sectors in Jakarta and Bali have shown diverse trends. The international commercial real estate agency, Colliers, has recently released its latest report on the developments in Jakarta’s office, apartment, expatriate housing, retail, and hotel sectors, as well as Bali’s evolving hospitality scene. This report, available on Colliers' official website as of July 9, 2024, provides insights into how these markets are adapting to economic shifts and evolving consumer preferences.
2024 is shaping up to be a dynamic year for the Indonesian property industry. While the residential property market is showing relative stability, with the composite-16 property price index rising only 1.74% throughout 2023, the expat property sector is experiencing a gradual uptick in early 2024 […]
Owning an apartment is a popular housing choice nowadays. However, before purchasing one, it's important to understand the differences between the Strata Title Certificate for Apartment Units (SHMSRS) and the Building Ownership Certificate (SKGB).
Our journey started in 2016 with the sole aim of becoming the most ethical property and real estate agent in Indonesia. Our dream is to be a complete solution for the needs of expatriates, offering comprehensive solutions for property investment in Indonesia. Find Out More »
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Lets Move Group
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Interest rate is 4.7% fixed for the first 3 years, after that, the rate will move to a floating rate (currently 11%)
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