Welcome to the home of office and commercial real estate in Indonesia! Our expert team is presently located in Jakarta & Bali and services all types of office and commercial premises.
“Your office is how your journey starts”
Picking the right premise for your business is of paramount importance to your success and to be successful, you need expert help.
At Lets Move Group, we believe every individual and every business is different. There is no such thing as one size fits all, which is why our team carefully listens to your exact needs and specifications to get you what you really want.
With so many options available and so many areas to discover, finding an office in Indonesia can seem overwhelming; however, at Lets Move Group we do our best to ensure the process runs smoothly and efficiently.
Lets Move Group partners with popular office spaces across Jakarta and Bali to offer premium spaces tailored to your needs. Elevate your business in style and find your perfect office today.
This property won't last long, so catch it before it's gone!
Lets Move Group has helped hundreds of personal and business clients meet their property needs. We have helped hundreds of people relocate or find their dream workspace across the city. Whether you are a multinational company or a startup, our team of experts is ready to help.
At Lets Move Group, we offer complete solutions for all your property needs. Our experienced and multidisciplinary team is ready to assist you in:
No matter the size of your business, Lets Move Group strives to provide the most suitable office space for your needs, as efficiently and productively as possible. To start your free consultation, contact our team today!
Office spaces vary wildly depending on the location, the type of building, the quality of the building and the facilities. A premium office tower might cost 350,000 per square metre, however, the building next door may only cost 200,000. Every building has its own price based on the aforementioned features. Lets Move Group can provide advice for your individual circumstances and preferences.
Most office towers will also have a service charge which is applicable per square metre. This price varies from building to building. For Rukos or standalone shops generally, there are no additional service charges.
We are a whole of market agency, which means we can assist with any office space you require.
As a licensed agency, we do not charge fees for office assistance and we get paid when renting property via the property owner.
There are many prestigious areas to choose from, in particular Thamrin, Sudirman, Kuningan, SCBD and Senayan.
Yes we do, but please note that building management staff tend to take weekends off, so we cannot guarantee viewings on weekends.
We do not charge a fee for our time or service. We are results driven and receive commission when renting property from the property owner directly.
All our property consultants speak fluent English and Indonesian.
As an expatriate myself and a business owner, I know how time-consuming and stressful finding an office can be in Indonesia. There is no central, reliable property comparison website that operates and because Indonesia does not place a mandatory license on real estate agents, anyone can represent any property.
With that being said, finding an office or a reliable partner to assist you can be extremely challenging.
In 2016 when I launched Lets Move Group, I did so as I believed there should be a more professional way to deal with property in Indonesia. I believed that better organization was needed and that pricing structures should be more transparent.
As the values I introduced became more prominent across the country, our reputation grew and our areas of expertise expanded. Now Lets Move Group is undoubtably the most comprehensive agency in Indonesia for assisting with real estate, legal services, immigration, property finance and tax and accounting needs.
We are proud to be a forward-thinking company and one that sets a good example for our industry, our competitors and Indonesia. I look forward to working with you and helping your business thrive, so contact our team and lets get started!
If you need assistance with your property needs, please reach out to us, we will be happy to help!
Ketika mengajukan pinjaman di bank seperti Kredit Pemilikan Rumah (KPR), kita akan mendengar istilah plafon kredit. Berdasarkan informasi dari Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia (KBBI), plafon artinya batas tertinggi (biaya, kredit, dan sebagainya) yang disediakan. Dalam proses mengajukan kredit, pinjaman yang diberikan oleh bank atau institusi pendanaan lain kepada nasabah nantinya tidak akan melewati nominal plafon […]
Temukan Partner Properti Terbaik di Canggu, Bali Sedang mencari agen properti terbaik di Canggu, Bali? Tak perlu mencari lebih jauh! Di Lets Move Group (LMG), kami bangga menjadi pilihan utama untuk semua kebutuhan properti Anda. Dengan jaringan luas, tim ahli, dan komitmen terhadap keunggulan, kami siap memastikan perjalanan properti Anda berjalan lancar dan sukses. Baik […]
Bagaimana dua ahli ekspatriat ini mengubah lanskap properti di Indonesia. Di tengah dinamika pasar properti Jakarta, dua nama menonjol sebagai pionir dalam industri ini: Gary Joy dan Miles Lampitt. Kedua ekspatriat ini tidak sekadar menjalankan bisnis properti, tetapi mereka membawa perubahan besar dengan menghadirkan inovasi dan keahlian yang luar biasa. Dalam artikel ini, kami akan […]
Di Indonesia, banyak nasabah KPR yang mempertimbangkan untuk memindahkan Kredit Pemilikan Rumah mereka ke bank lain demi mendapatkan kondisi pembiayaan yang lebih menguntungkan. Salah satu alasan utama adalah suku bunga yang lebih rendah, yang dapat mengurangi jumlah cicilan bulanan dan beban finansial jangka panjang. Selain itu, program promo dari bank lain seperti bebas biaya administrasi, […]
KPR merupakan singkatan dari Kredit Pemilikan Rumah, menawarkan solusi cerdas bagi mereka yang ingin memiliki rumah tanpa harus menunggu tabungan. Dengan KPR, Anda bisa mencicil pembayaran rumah dalam jangka waktu tertentu, sesuai kemampuan finansial. Melalui artikel ini, Lets Move Group akan membantu anda memahami apa itu KPR, proses mengajukan KPR, syarat dan ketentuan, hingga simulasi […]
Bali adalah tempat bagi para pengusaha, pekerja lepas digital, dan pebisnis. Menemukan ruang kerja yang tepat di Bali bisa jadi hal yang mengasyikkan sekaligus menantang. Jika Anda mencari coworking space, serviced office, ruko, atau bahkan virtual office. Panduan ini cocok untuk “Temukan kantor, coworking space, ruko dan serviced office di Bali” yang akan membantu Anda […]
Our journey started in 2016 with the sole aim of becoming the most ethical property and real estate agent in Indonesia. Our dream is to be a complete solution for the needs of expatriates, offering comprehensive solutions for property investment in Indonesia. Find Out More »
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Copyright © Lets Move Group 2024.
Lets Move Group
Rate information
Interest rate is 4.7% fixed for the first 3 years, after that, the rate will move to a floating rate (currently 11%)
General Personal Requirements