Welcome to Indonesia’s very first mortgage brokerage, the first company in the country to offer whole of market mortgage advice.
Lets Move Group is pleased to provide the first mortgage brokerage services in Indonesia! Our experienced team of financial experts has helped hundreds of people collectively and has provided property financing options both in Indonesia and internationally.
With Lets Move Group, we will compare different lenders and provide you with the best deal for interest rates and the risk-free repayment terms to save you time, and money and get the best mortgage deal for your needs.
Our services are completely free as we profit from the referral broker fees when we refer customers to the banks, therefore it is worth to note that all the information and services we provide to you are completely FREE.
Compare mortgage interest rates and other loans from various leading banks and find the best scheme for your property financing.
Use the Lets Move Group mortgage calculator to see the estimated value of your potential dream home and how much you can borrow!
Use the Lets Move Group mortgage calculator to see the estimated value of your potential dream home and how much you can borrow!
Plan for your future in Indonesia. Apply for home instalments easily and find low-interest schemes to take the first step to owning your dream home!
Get your dream house with our New Mortgage consultation. Flexible, fast mortgage payments to suit your needs. Reach the future with us!
Easily renew your home instalments. Save money with competitive interest rates. We are here to help you revitalize home ownership.
Smart investment with home instalments. Property for rent? We are ready to help you find passive income from your property.
Do you consider buying home in Indonesia? No problem, we understand your needs as an expat. Get hassle-free home instalments with us.
Get your dream property in Indonesia with affordable instalments. Our experts provide Mortgage (KPR) solutions that suit your needs.
Enhance your business with the right legal entity in Indonesia. Our professionals are ready to help you take the first step to success.
Explore a new business landscape with Lets Move Group through Company Mortgage. Access the best solutions for your commercial asset needs.
Doubt your steps? Get mortgage advice from our professional consultants. Smart choice for your financial future.
Not many people are aware that there are several banks in Indonesia that provide mortgage for expatriates without the need of a diaspora marital. Please note, that only a few selected banks offer this facility. To find out which one, please contact Lets Move Group and we will be happy to provide you with a free consultation.
*Please note that requirements may vary and available products may change periodically.
Lets Move Group was founded in 2016 in Jakarta by a British expatriate Gary Joy, a former Real Estate Consultant and Mortgage Advisor from the UK. Lets Move Group is Indonesia's most renowned expat agency providing the most ethical, leading and complete expat services in the country.
Lets Move Group offers a wide range of services in Jakarta and Bali which include: real estate sales and leasing, immigration services, market entry solutions, relocation services, legal, tax & accounting services and in 2023 – the first and most comprehensive market mortgage advisory services. Lets Move Group is an agency that consistently leads with initiative and transparency and has been awarded the title of Best Visa and Business Consultant in Indonesia consecutively in 2021 and 2022.
With over 17 years of mortgage experience serving expats and Indonesians both locally and internationally, Gary Joy is one of the most knowledgeable mortgage brokers and is the man behind the introduction of end-to-end mortgage solutions to Indonesia.
To find out more about why Lets Move Group is a leading agency in the Indonesian market, check out our about us page here!
Get the best offer for your dream home with Lets Move Group, the best mortgage consultant in Indonesia!
Own apartments in Jakarta & Bali at the best prices together
Lets Move Group, the best KPA consultant in Indonesia!
We have 4 branch offices in Jakarta & Bali. Visit our branches in Jakarta, Seminyak, or Canggu for a face-to-face consultation. Please make sure you have made an appointment before visiting. Visit the Contact Us page or contact us via the numbers listed.
KPR, short for Home Ownership Credit, is a loan facility provided by banks or financial institutions to individuals to buy or own a house. A mortgage allows a borrower to pay the price of a home in installments with monthly payments, including interest, over a specified period.
The interest rate is an additional fee that must be paid by the borrower to the bank in return for the loan provided. There are two general types of interest rates in mortgages, namely fixed interest rates and floating interest rates. Fixed interest rates do not change over a certain period of time, while floating interest rates can change according to market fluctuations.
Collateral in buying a house via installments, which is also known as Mortgage (Home Ownership Credit) in Indonesia, is an asset or property that is used as collateral or security guarantee for a mortgage loan.
The majority of Indonesian citizens, including expatriates living in Indonesia, can apply for a KPR. However, terms and conditions may vary between banks and financial institutions. There are several banks that specifically offer mortgages for expatriates.
"Down payment" is the amount of money that must be paid by the borrower when purchasing property using a mortgage. Usually expressed as a percentage of the property price. This down payment is part of the total price of the home and the borrower must pay it before the mortgage is approved.
Take Over Mortgage Credit in Indonesia is the process of transferring home ownership credit from one bank to another at a new interest rate.
The interest rate is an additional fee that must be paid by the borrower to the bank in return for the loan provided. There are two general types of interest rates in mortgages, namely fixed interest rates and floating interest rates. Fixed interest rates do not change over a certain period of time, while floating interest rates can change according to market fluctuations.
How two expat experts are transforming the property landscape in Indonesia. In the bustling city of Jakarta, two names stand out in the ever-evolving real estate market: Gary Joy and Miles Lampitt. These expat property experts are not just making waves – they are revolutionizing the real estate industry in Indonesia, bringing unparalleled expertise and […]
Di Indonesia, banyak nasabah KPR yang mempertimbangkan untuk memindahkan Kredit Pemilikan Rumah mereka ke bank lain demi mendapatkan kondisi pembiayaan yang lebih menguntungkan. Salah satu alasan utama adalah suku bunga yang lebih rendah, yang dapat mengurangi jumlah cicilan bulanan dan beban finansial jangka panjang. Selain itu, program promo dari bank lain seperti bebas biaya administrasi, […]
KPR merupakan singkatan dari Kredit Pemilikan Rumah, menawarkan solusi cerdas bagi mereka yang ingin memiliki rumah tanpa harus menunggu tabungan. Dengan KPR, Anda bisa mencicil pembayaran rumah dalam jangka waktu tertentu, sesuai kemampuan finansial. Melalui artikel ini, Lets Move Group akan membantu anda memahami apa itu KPR, proses mengajukan KPR, syarat dan ketentuan, hingga simulasi […]
Bali adalah tempat bagi para pengusaha, pekerja lepas digital, dan pebisnis. Menemukan ruang kerja yang tepat di Bali bisa jadi hal yang mengasyikkan sekaligus menantang. Jika Anda mencari coworking space, serviced office, ruko, atau bahkan virtual office. Panduan ini cocok untuk “Temukan kantor, coworking space, ruko dan serviced office di Bali” yang akan membantu Anda […]
Menemukan ruang kantor yang sempurna bisa jadi hal yang sulit, terutama di kota besar yang sibuk seperti Jakarta. Dengan pertumbuhan ekonomi yang pesat dan lingkungan bisnis yang beragam, memilih lingkungan yang tepat untuk bisnis Anda sangatlah penting. Kami akan memandu Anda melalui kantor berlayanan yang populer di Jakarta, mengapa Jakarta merupakan lokasi yang ideal untuk […]
Sewa kantor atau ruang komersial di Jakarta bisa jadi tantangan tersendiri, terutama bagi pendatang baru di kota yang hidup ini. Sebagai salah satu kota terbesar di Indonesia, Jakarta memiliki banyak pilihan, mulai dari ruang kantor berlayanan yang elegan hingga properti komersial konvensional, untuk memenuhi kebutuhan dan anggaran bisnis. Ini adalah panduan praktis untuk menyewa kantor […]
Our journey started in 2016 with the sole aim of becoming the most ethical property and real estate agent in Indonesia. Our dream is to be a complete solution for the needs of expatriates, offering comprehensive solutions for property investment in Indonesia. Find Out More »
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Lets Move Group
Rate information
Interest rate is 4.7% fixed for the first 3 years, after that, the rate will move to a floating rate (currently 11%)
General Personal Requirements