A brick-and-mortar office is one of the factors that determine the credibility of a business. Having an office space also helps you monitor your employees' performance at work. The process of owning an office in Jakarta is not much different from buying or renting other properties such as houses and apartments, but there are several things to consider in determining a good office for your business.
In this article, Lets Move Group has curated 7 important things you should consider when choosing an office in Jakarta.
1. Ideal Location
A strategically located office building will provide easy access for employees and clients. Choose an area that is located close to public transport, main roads, and other public amenities. Popular neighbourhoods can also be an attractive option to increase visibility and business opportunities.
2. Menentukan Ukuran yang Tepat
Pertimbangkan luas ruangan yang sesuai dengan jumlah karyawan dan kebutuhan bisnis Anda. Susunlah rencana tata letak ruangan yang optimal, termasuk area kerja, ruang meeting, gudang, dan ruang tamu. Pastikan ukurannya ideal untuk menunjang kenyamanan dan produktivitas karyawan.
3. Securing The Building Safety
Security is an important factor in choosing an office building. Make sure the building has adequate security systems, such as CCTV, access control, and guards. A safe neighbourhood also needs to be considered to build a sense of security and calm for employees.
4. Affordable Rate
Competitive leasing prices are an important consideration. Look for a building with a balance between price and facilities offered. Negotiate with the building owner to get the best price.
5. Ensuring the Clarity of the Lease Contract
Make sure the tenancy contract is clear and complete. Understand all terms and conditions, including the rights and obligations of both parties. Pay attention to details such as facilities provided, damage liability, and limitations on design changes.
6. Mitigate Damage Costs
Clearly understand the responsibility for any damage to the building. Will it be borne by the landlord or the tenant? Make sure this is stated in the rental contract to avoid disputes later on.
Mulai investasi bisnis properti di Jakarta? Read the Guide to Property Investment Opportunities in Jakarta 2024 here!
7. Be Aware of the Limitations of Changing Office Design
A well-designed office can boost employee morale and productivity. However, it is important to be aware of the limitations set by the building owner regarding design changes. Make sure to obtain approval before making any alterations.
Choosing an office building is not just about finding a space, but also about building comfort that supports productivity. With these tips from Lets Move Group, you're ready to find the ideal place to grow and achieve success with your team.