Welcome to your new home for all things Indonesia real estate – The Lets Move Group!
The Lets Move Group story began in 2016, ignited by the vision of Gary Joy, a British expatriate who recognized the immense potential within Indonesia's property and expatriate consultancy market. With unwavering passion and dedication, we laid a solid foundation, progressively expanding our services from real estate to comprehensive property financing solutions across Indonesia.
As we stepped into 2024, we embarked on a strategic evolution, refining our focus on the core expertise that defines us: property. Thus, Lets Move Group was born, an entity singularly dedicated to delivering unparalleled property services. This transformation transcends a mere name change; it's a profound commitment to providing our clients with more specialized and in-depth support.
Lets Move Group, evolving from its roots within Lets Move Indonesia, was established in direct response to the escalating market demand for comprehensive property services. We present an exclusive service portfolio, encompassing residential and commercial real estate, innovative mortgage financing consultations, and trusted property legal services.
As a leading real estate agency in Indonesia, we take pride in pioneering complimentary mortgage consultations for our clients. This initiative exemplifies our dedication to delivering exceptional value and simplifying the path to realizing our clients' property aspirations. With a continually expanding network, we have established a strategic presence across five locations in Jakarta and Bali, and we are committed to extending our reach throughout Indonesia.
Beyond the realm of business, Lets Move Group is anchored in robust corporate values and an unwavering commitment to service excellence. We are distinguished by our innovative and progressive approach, consistently seeking novel ways to enhance the client experience. As a Jakarta-headquartered company, wholly owned by our parent corporation, we guarantee consistent quality standards across all our services, from staff training to website functionality and customer interactions.
Lets Move Group stands as not only one of Indonesia's largest real estate agencies but also one of the most comprehensive. We are equipped to address all your property needs, whether you are in pursuit of your dream home, the ideal office space, professional property legal assistance, or reliable property financing solutions.
Entrust your property needs to Lets Move Group, your dependable partner in realizing your property dreams in Indonesia. Contact us today and discover the unparalleled experience of our property services.
Ketika mengajukan pinjaman di bank seperti Kredit Pemilikan Rumah (KPR), kita akan mendengar istilah plafon kredit. Berdasarkan informasi dari Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia (KBBI), plafon artinya batas tertinggi (biaya, kredit, dan sebagainya) yang disediakan. Dalam proses mengajukan kredit, pinjaman yang diberikan oleh bank atau institusi pendanaan lain kepada nasabah nantinya tidak akan melewati nominal plafon […]
Temukan Partner Properti Terbaik di Canggu, Bali Sedang mencari agen properti terbaik di Canggu, Bali? Tak perlu mencari lebih jauh! Di Lets Move Group (LMG), kami bangga menjadi pilihan utama untuk semua kebutuhan properti Anda. Dengan jaringan luas, tim ahli, dan komitmen terhadap keunggulan, kami siap memastikan perjalanan properti Anda berjalan lancar dan sukses. Baik […]
Bagaimana dua ahli ekspatriat ini mengubah lanskap properti di Indonesia. Di tengah dinamika pasar properti Jakarta, dua nama menonjol sebagai pionir dalam industri ini: Gary Joy dan Miles Lampitt. Kedua ekspatriat ini tidak sekadar menjalankan bisnis properti, tetapi mereka membawa perubahan besar dengan menghadirkan inovasi dan keahlian yang luar biasa. Dalam artikel ini, kami akan […]
Di Indonesia, banyak nasabah KPR yang mempertimbangkan untuk memindahkan Kredit Pemilikan Rumah mereka ke bank lain demi mendapatkan kondisi pembiayaan yang lebih menguntungkan. Salah satu alasan utama adalah suku bunga yang lebih rendah, yang dapat mengurangi jumlah cicilan bulanan dan beban finansial jangka panjang. Selain itu, program promo dari bank lain seperti bebas biaya administrasi, […]
KPR merupakan singkatan dari Kredit Pemilikan Rumah, menawarkan solusi cerdas bagi mereka yang ingin memiliki rumah tanpa harus menunggu tabungan. Dengan KPR, Anda bisa mencicil pembayaran rumah dalam jangka waktu tertentu, sesuai kemampuan finansial. Melalui artikel ini, Lets Move Group akan membantu anda memahami apa itu KPR, proses mengajukan KPR, syarat dan ketentuan, hingga simulasi […]
Bali adalah tempat bagi para pengusaha, pekerja lepas digital, dan pebisnis. Menemukan ruang kerja yang tepat di Bali bisa jadi hal yang mengasyikkan sekaligus menantang. Jika Anda mencari coworking space, serviced office, ruko, atau bahkan virtual office. Panduan ini cocok untuk “Temukan kantor, coworking space, ruko dan serviced office di Bali” yang akan membantu Anda […]
Our journey started in 2016 with the sole aim of becoming the most ethical property and real estate agent in Indonesia. Our dream is to be a complete solution for the needs of expatriates, offering comprehensive solutions for property investment in Indonesia. Find Out More »
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Copyright © Lets Move Group 2024.
Lets Move Group
Rate information
Interest rate is 4.7% fixed for the first 3 years, after that, the rate will move to a floating rate (currently 11%)
General Personal Requirements